Expert Assistance for Population Data: Comprehensive Resources and Practice Problems

Recent questions in Population Data
College StatisticsAnswered question
erwachsenc6 erwachsenc6 2022-10-23

The exercise statement (roughly): Assume there is a terrorist prevention system that has a 99% chance of correctly identifying a future terrorist and 99.9% chance of correctly identifying someone that is not a future terrorist. If there are 1000 future terrorists among the 300 million people population, and one individual is chosen randomly from the population, then processed by the system and deemed a terrorist. What is the chance that the individual is a future terrorist?
Attempted exercise solution:
I use the following event labels:
A -> The person is a future terrorist
B -> The person is identified as a terrorist
Then, some other data:
P ( A ) = 10 3 3 10 8 = 1 3 10 5
P ( A ¯ ) = 1 P ( A )
P ( B A ) = 0.99
P ( B ¯ A ) = 1 P ( B A )
P ( B ¯ A ¯ ) = 0.999
P ( B A ¯ ) = 1 P ( B ¯ A ¯ )
What I need to find is the chance that someone identified as a terrorist, is actually a terrorist. I express that through P(A | B) and use Bayes Theorem to find its value.
P ( A B ) = P ( A B ) P ( B ) = P ( B A ) P ( A ) P ( B A ) P ( A ) + P ( B A ¯ ) P ( A ¯ )
The answer I get after plugging-in all the values is: 3.29 10 3 , the book's answer is 3.29 10 4 .
Can someone help me identify what I'm doing wrong? Also, in either case, I find that it is very unintuitive that the probability of success is so small. If someone could explain it to me in more intuitive terms I'd be very grateful.

Studying population data is an important tool to understanding the world and its inhabitants. World population data can help us understand how our population is changing over time. Equations can be used to analyze population data and to suggest possible answers to questions such as population growth rates, birth and death rates, and life expectancy. Population data can also help us understand the kind of resources that are needed to meet the needs of a certain population. It can also help us understand the economic and social trends that are influencing our population. With the help of population data, we can gain insight into the current and future state of our world.