Master Confidence Intervals: Examples, Equations, and Questions

Recent questions in Confidence intervals
College StatisticsAnswered question
geneth1u geneth1u 2022-09-14

Confidence Intervals for an Exponential Distribution
y 1 is distributed f Y ( y θ ) = θ e θ y I ( 0 , ) ( y ), where θ > 0. Analyze the confidence interval for 1 θ given by [ L ( Y ) , U ( Y ) ] = [ Y , 2 Y ]
1: Determine the confidence coefficient of this interval.
Thoughts: I realized that my single data point is distributed
exponential ( β = 1 θ ) = gamma ( α = 1 , β = 1 θ ). So I did the following steps to get my confidence coefficient:
  P θ ( 1 θ [ Y , 2 Y ] ) = P θ ( Y 1 θ 2 Y ) = P θ ( 1 2 θ Y 1 θ ) = 1 2 θ 1 θ θ e θ y d y = e .5 e 1 = .23865
So I got .23685 as my confidence coefficient, and I'm fairly confident that that is the correct answer.
2: Determine the expected length of this interval.
Thoughts: So I'm not too sure what to do here, but this is what I have written down.
  P θ ( 1 θ [ Y , 2 Y ] ) = P θ ( Y 1 θ 2 Y ) = P θ ( 1 2 θ Y 1 θ ) = P ( e 1 Y e .5 ) = .23865
Since my 'a' and 'b' values were e 1 and e .5 , respectively. Now I don't know where to go from there to find the expected length. Do I use the gamma probability table? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
3: Find a different confidence interval for 1 θ with the exact same confidence coefficient, but the expected length is smaller than part 2's expected length. Find an interval where the characteristics, same confidence coefficient and expected length is smaller than part 2's, are satisfied.
Thoughts: I let W = Y 1 θ , and I performed the transformation to get the distribution of W, and I ended with:
  f W ( w θ ) = θ 2 e θ w θ w θ 1
, which I think looks sorta like the gamma distribution, but then I don't know what to do from there. Any help would be appreciated.

If you are studying engineering, you will encounter at least one confidence intervals equation problem where you will need additional help to get things done or implemented correctly. Take your time to study various confidence interval questions and solutions that have been provided by students like you based on the most popular tasks. Looking for confidence interval exercises and solutions, always explore original instructions first as confidence is a relative subject here that helps to address confidence intervals questions with the elements of probability.