Learn Decimals with Plainmath's In-Depth Explanations and Real-World Examples

Recent questions in Decimals
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Alfredo Holmes Alfredo Holmes 2022-04-01

How would you graph 54 on a number line?

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Oxinailelpels3t14 Oxinailelpels3t14 2022-04-01

Prove 10P(n)2+1 is divisible by n

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Averie Ferguson Averie Ferguson 2022-03-31

Prove that n=1μ(n)10n is irrational

Pre-AlgebraAnswered question
Alfredo Holmes Alfredo Holmes 2022-03-27

Convergence of (bn) if b=b0. b1b2bn

Pre-AlgebraAnswered question
fun9vk fun9vk 2022-03-17

What is the place value of 7 in 0.708?

Some of you may remember solving equations with decimals by looking back at the school years, yet it is also easy to get lost in this seemingly simple pre-algebra field. If working with decimals sounds too complex to you or you require a reminder, have a look at the list of decimals questions and answers below to see how it is done.

At the same time, if you are still not sure about finding the right solution, start with the high school Math and see more than one solution as you seek similarities.