Is it possible to compress gas without making it hotter?



Answered question


Is it possible to compress gas without making it hotter?

Answer & Explanation

Rachael Singh

Rachael Singh

Beginner2022-09-02Added 4 answers

Consider an ideal gas at 300 K at a pressure of 1 atm. The ideal gas law gives a density of about 2 × 10 25 . So you'd expect that you'd be able to move the piston a distance of about 1 / λ = 5 × 10 22 m before it collides with a gas particle. This is an incredibly tiny distance, about 10 6 times the size of a proton. The upshot is that it's practically impossible for the situation you're describing to occur. As soon as you move the piston at all, it will collide with a gas particle.

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