Probability Examples and Explanations

Recent questions in Probability
High school probabilityAnswered question
Lara Cortez Lara Cortez 2022-10-17

Confusion about sum of random variables conditional probabilities
Let X,Y be independent random variables, and Z = X + Y .. Then I want to calculate P r [ X = x Z = z ] .. My confusion is on evaluating this expression. On the one hand, I have
P r [ X = x Z = z ] = P r [ Z Y = x Z = z ] = P r [ z Y = x ] = P r [ Y = z x ] .
But also, P r [ Z = z X = x ] = P r [ X + Y = z X = x ] = P r [ Y = z x ] . So these two probabilities are equal? But P r [ Z = z X = x ] P r [ X = x ] = P r [ X = x Z = z ] P r [ Z = z ] and in general P r [ X = x ] and P r [ Z = z ] are not equal. I believe it should be P r [ X = x Z = z ] = P r [ Y = z x Z = z ] but I don't think the conditional Z = z can be removed since Y and Z are not independent?
I'm not sure whether the first equation holds either. For example, if I roll a fair six sided die X (numbered 1 to 6) and roll a fair ten sided die Y and take the sum, then P r [ X = 1 Z = 2 ] = 1 since the only possible outcome is ( x , y ) = ( 1 , 1 ) ,, and this is not equal to P r [ Y = ( 2 1 ) ] = 1 / 10.. On the other hand it is equal to P r [ Y = ( 2 1 ) Z = 2 ] = 1.. I think I'm making a mistake in one of these but it's not clear to me in which step.
(The context of this was that X is a random variable with given distribution representing some unknown parameter and Y is a standard normal error. Then you observe z = x + y and want to estimate the X.)

High school probabilityAnswered question
Drew Williamson Drew Williamson 2022-10-09

Derivatives and Integrals of Stochastic Processes?
I am trying to wrap my head around this idea and am trying to understand why this might be useful. For instance, suppose I have some stochastic process like the Brownian Motion. Why might I be interested in knowing "how quickly the Brownian Motion might change" at some point (i.e. the derivative) and the "area that the Brownian Motion might cover over two time intervals" (i.e. the integral)?
I understand this is more complicated than evaluating derivatives and integrals on deterministic functions. In a deterministic function, you only need to take one derivative and one integral to answer your question. On the other hand, each time I simulate a Stochastic Process on a computer, each realization of this Stochastic Process will look different. Thus, it is likely more challenging to take the integral and derivative of a function that can take many forms, compared to a function that can only take a single form.
But this point aside - why is it useful to know the derivative and the integral of a stochastic process? What do I gain from knowing this - how might I be able to apply this information to some real world application? For example, in financial models such as the Black-Scholes Model, are we using Stochastic Calculus to infer the amount of "risk" or "volatility" (i.e. the area under the stochastic process) that the stochastic process corresponds to over some period of time?

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The high school probability differs from those engineering tasks, yet it is not always much simpler if you do not know the basics. Therefore, take your time to see our examples and learn.