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High school geometryAnswered question
Extrakt04 Extrakt04 2022-06-22

I have the following problem. Given this function
E [ π ] = ( 1 r ) [ α b ( 1 p ) C K ] + T
I would like to find the maximum w.r.t. r given this constraint:
U = ( 1 r ) b T 0
It is an economic problem that I am formalizing, but this is not relevant to its solution, I am only interested in the mathematical resolution of the problem. I provide some background. Our variable r is a number between 0 and 1, p is some probability, α , b , C , K and T are all positive constants. If it is useful for the resolution of the problem, we can also assume that α is between 0 and 1. An important assumption (namely, assumption &) is that ( 1 p ) C + K > α b. Readers used to economics may recognize that the objective function is a sort of expected profit and the constraint is a sort of expected utility. I tried with Kuhn-Tucker, but with miserable results since deriving w.r.t. r does not yield any expression with r.

Now I'm following a more intuitive approach. I start by assuming that U = 0 is the constraint, then I can find an expression for r from the constraint and I substitute it in the target function. After easy steps, I get this
T α b ( 1 p ) C K b + T
At this point, I can use assumption & to conclude that the first T above will be negative, but I'm not able to conclude whether it will be lower, equal or higher to/than the second T because it is multiplied by some constant.

At this point I'm stuck. I do not know if my approach can work. Could you please suggest a nicer way to proceed? I am on the right track or it's a dead end?

High school geometryAnswered question
Theresa Archer Theresa Archer 2022-06-21

I'm having trouble understanding how to check the second order conditions for my unconstrained maximization problem.

This is the entire problem: Alicia wants to maximize her grade, which is a function of the time spent studying ( T) and the number of cups of coffee ( C) she drinks. Her grade out of 100 is given by the following function.
G ( T , C ) = 50 + 10 T + 16 C ( T 2 + 2 T C + 2 C 2 )
In the first order conditions, I find the partial derivatives and set them equal to zero. I get the following two equations:

10 2 T 2 C = 0 and 16 2 T 4 c = 0. The first equation was the partial derivative with respect to T and the second equation was the partial derivative with respect to C. Solving these two equations, I find that C = 3 and T = 2.

Now, I need to check the second order conditions. I know that the second partial derivative with respect to both T and C should be negative. This checks out. I get -2 from the first equation (with respect to T) and I get -4 from the second equation (with respect to C). The last thing I need to do with the second order condition is multiply these two together (which yields 8) and then subtract the following:
( δ 2 G δ T δ C ) 2
Please forgive me if this formula isn't displaying correctly. I tried using the laTex equation editor, but I'm not sure if it worked. Anyway, I need to know how to derive this. What is it asking for? I know that this part should be -2 squared, which is 4. Then, 8-4=4, which is positive and tells me that the second order conditions are met.

But where is the -2 coming from? I know within both of the equations, there are a few -2's. But, I'm not sure exactly where this -2 comes from.

Even when you have an engineering maximization problem calculator with the values, you may still have certain questions that will not help you find a solution that will work. As a way to assist you with your geometry problems, you should start with the exploration of the answers that have been provided below. Most maximization problems are related to high school geometry that you will already remember. If things do not seem clear or you are feeling confused, look for the maximum values and coordination axes as you study your task's objectives or the word problem by offering several explanations.