Write the prime factorization of 28?

Russell Gillen

Russell Gillen

Answered question


Write the prime factorization of 28?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2021-12-14Added 39 answers

Firstly, find any factor pair of 28. For example, the first one is 7 and 4. 7 is already prime, so that is already part of the prime factorization. 4 isn't prime, so we must split that into a factor pair of some sort. In this case, we see automatically that 4=22, and the 2's are prime. So the prime factoring ends there.
Putting everything together, we get 28=7×22
John Koga

John Koga

Beginner2021-12-15Added 33 answers

Divide 28 by 2, and you get 14. Now, divide by 2 again: 7. You cant

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