Data Modeling Examples and Frequently Asked Questions

Recent questions in Modeling data distributions
College StatisticsAnswered question
Tyra Tyra 2021-10-14

The following table summarizes the results of a study on SAT prep courses, comparing SAT scores of students in a private preparation class, a high school preparation class, and no preparation class. Use the information from the table to answer the remaining questions. 
TreatmentNumber of ObservationsSample MeanSum of Squares (SS)Private prep class60680265,500.00High school prep class60650276,120.00No prep class60635302,670.00 
Using the data provided, complete the partial ANOVA summary table that follows (Hint: T, the treatment total, can be calculated as the sample mean times the number of observations G, the grand total, can be calculated from the values of T once you have calculated them.) 
SourceSum of Squares (SS)dfMean Square (MS)Between treatments   Within treatments    
ANOVA summary tables typically have a "Total" row not induded in the partial table you just completed. Which of the following is a possible reason for induding this row? 
a) The MStal is used in the calculation of the F test statistic. 
b) The SStal is used in the calculation of the F test statistic. 
c) The total sums of squares is the sometimes called the "error term" 
d) The SStotal is sometimes easier to calculate than. SSbetween Since SSwithin+SSbetween=SStotal, you can use SStotal to calculate SSbetween.
In ANOVA, the F test statistic is the ? of the between-treatments variance and the within-treatments variance. the value of the F test statistic is ? 
When the null hypothesis is true, the F test statistic is ? When the null hypotesis is false, the F test statistic is most likely ? In general, you should reject the null hypotesis for.

Statistics and probability also include various data modeling questions, which can be encountered basically everywhere from Social Sciences and Biology to Engineering and Data Science. Depending on your questions, you can receive immediate help by looking through the data modeling examples that we have presented below for you. These will help you to find solutions and find the answers to presented challenges. It is recommended to model your data carefully and to check things twice to ensure that everything is correct because accuracy is the key to any statistical work where a calculation is involved.