College Physics Questions and Answers

Recent questions in Physics
Advanced PhysicsAnswered question
Sawyer Burch Sawyer Burch 2023-03-17

Does water have friction?

Advanced PhysicsAnswered question
June Bryan June Bryan 2023-03-14

Who invented the gravitation?

Advanced PhysicsAnswered question
Dennis Shelton Dennis Shelton 2023-03-14

Does the mass of an object affect friction?

The majority of Physics equations are not overly complex since they are based on questions that are either related to some theory or focus on a specific experiment. You will find a plethora of answers that will help you understand the main concepts from college physics to more complex engineering tasks that are quite specific. If you are dealing with equations, the solutions will let you compare things to what you have and find an answer. There will also be questions that are more verbal in nature, meaning that they go beyond the formulas, so ensure to check them, too!