The standard telephone number in the US has 10 digits: for example, NOVA's telephone number is (703) 323-3000, How many phone numbers are possible for the 703 area code it the first digit that follows the 703 cannot be a or a 1?

Dana Russo

Dana Russo

Answered question


The standard telephone number in the US has 10 digits: for example, NOVA's telephone number is (703) 323-3000, How many phone numbers are possible for the 703 area code it the first digit that follows the 703 cannot be a or a 1?

Answer & Explanation

Johnny Parrish

Johnny Parrish

Beginner2022-10-01Added 12 answers

10 digit phone number :-- 703 _ _ _ _ _ _ _
In this case ,their is no restriction on repeation of digits (as per question)
There are 8 ways to pick the first digit that follow 703 code (since 0 or 1 cannot be take the value at empty place ),
Now,ways to pick the 2nd digit is 10(from 0 to 9 all values are accepted)
Similarly,ways to pick tye 3rd,4th,5th,6th and 7th digit that follows 703 code is 10 for each (since from 0 to 9 all values are accepted)
Therefore the total phone number that are possible for the 703 area code if the first digit that follows the 703 cannot be a 0 or a 1 is:---
8 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 = 8 × 10 6 = 8000000
Answer:--8000000 phone numbers are possible for the 703 area code if the first digit that follows the 703 cannot be a 0 or a 1.

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