Derive an expression for the p-value using a test with test statistic T =sqrt(n)(bar(X)_n - theta_0)/sigma

Uriah Molina

Uriah Molina

Answered question


Derive an expression for the p-value using a test with test statistic T = n ( X ¯ n θ 0 ) / σ

Answer & Explanation

Kailee Abbott

Kailee Abbott

Beginner2022-11-03Added 14 answers

You have one sided hypothesis and monotone likelihood ratio w.r.t to the minimial sufficient statistic X ¯ n , then you can construct the most powerful test for a given test size α using the likelihood ratio (Neyman-Pearson test). Then, using Karlin-Rubin theorem to deduce that this test is also the UMP test for every pair of ( θ 1 , θ 0 ) for a given test size α. So, let us build a MP test for H 0 : θ = θ 0 , H 0 : θ = θ 1 , θ 1 > θ 0 ,
L R = L ( θ 1 ) L ( θ 0 ) exp { X ¯ n ( θ 1 θ 0 ) σ 2 } k ,
hence the UMPT is
ψ ( X ) = I { X ¯ n k } .
Thus, as under H 0 , X ¯ n N ( θ 0 , σ 2 / n ) the p.value is
p . v a l u e = P θ 0 ( X ¯ n x ¯ n ) = 1 Φ ( n ( x ¯ n θ 0 ) σ ) .

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