Find the complete statistic for Uniform(theta,theta+1)

Joyce Sharp

Joyce Sharp

Answered question


Find the complete statistic for Uniform θ , θ + 1

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-09-25Added 9 answers

For the U ( θ , θ + 1 ) family of distributions, a minimal sufficient statistic is the pair of order statistics T = ( X ( 1 ) , X ( n ) ). But T is not a complete statistic because the range R = X ( n ) X ( 1 ) is an ancillary statistic. Note that R = ( X ( n ) θ ) ( X ( 1 ) θ ), which shows that the distribution of R is independent of θ, making it an ancillary statistic. As a result, E ( R ) = c is also free of θ and therefore you have a non-zero function of T whose expectation is zero:
E θ [ X ( n ) X ( 1 ) c ] = 0 , θ R
So the minimal sufficient statistic T is not complete, and when this happens we can say there is no complete statistic in the model

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