Differential equations systems. We have that system of differential equations: {(x'=-x,,,,),(y'=-2y,,,,):}

Kailey Vargas

Kailey Vargas

Answered question


Differential equations systems
We have that system of differential equations:
{ x = x y = 2 y
I have to solve that system but I only know the method of derive first equation and substitute in the second and get a second order differential equation which I know to solve. But it seems that that method doesn't work here. How can I solve it? I'm beginner at this kind of exercises.

Answer & Explanation

Manuel Leach

Manuel Leach

Beginner2022-09-14Added 13 answers

Step 1
These are two unrelated DE's and you have to solve them independently.
Step 2
The answer is x ( t ) = c e t and y = d e 2 t where c and d are constants.

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