Use Newton's method to approximate the given number correct to eight decimal places?



Answered question


Use Newton's method to approximate the given number correct to eight decimal places?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2023-02-14Added 4 answers

Let x = 95 1 95
x 95 = 95
x 95 - 95 = 0
Let f ( x ) = x 95 - 95
Then f ( x ) = 95 x 94
Now, we merely enter a starting point into the formula.
x 0 = 1.2
x 1 = x 0 - f ( x 0 ) f ( x 0 )
= 1.2 - 1.2 95 - 95 95 ( 1.2 ) 94
= 1.18736845
Second iteration:
x 2 = x 1 - f ( x 1 ) f ( x 1 )
= 1.17486993

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