What is the difference between an axiom and postulates

Brian Petty

Brian Petty

Answered question


What is the difference between an axiom and postulates

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2023-02-14Added 9 answers

A statement that is assumed to be true without supporting evidence is known as an axiom. It serves as the starting point in a mathematical proof from which other truths can be inferred.
Axioms were traditionally thought to be distinct from postulates. A postulate was a hypothesis specific to a particular line of inquiry that was accepted without proof, whereas an axiom was a self-evident assumption common to many fields of study. As an example, in Euclid's Elements, you can compare "common notions" (axioms) with postulates.
In much of modern mathematics, however, there is generally no difference between what were classically referred to as "axioms" and "postulates". Modern mathematics distinguishes between logical axioms and non-logical axioms, with the latter sometimes being referred to as postulates.
postulates are assumptions which are specific to geometry but axioms are assumptions are used thru' out mathematics and not specific to geometry.

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