You have magnet, and you completely cover it with mylar. What happens to the magnetic field? Are the field lines altered? Is the strength of the magnetic field outside the mylar covering lessened?I



Answered question


You have magnet, and you completely cover it with mylar. What happens to the magnetic field? Are the field lines altered? Is the strength of the magnetic field outside the mylar covering lessened?I

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-10-15Added 11 answers

As the vast majority of organic materials and molecules mylar is diamagnetic. It was the substrate of choice for magnetic tapes and is often use as substrates in a wild range of experiments / measurements involving electrical optical and magnetic phenomena. Tough it can be commercially come layered with metal, as Aluminum for instance. I do not know how much the paramagnetismus of it can interfere in your case. Just take bare mylar.

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