I have a circle with a centre at position (0, 0) and I have a point in the circle at (-5, 2). How can I get the angle of the point towards the centre?

Katelyn Reyes

Katelyn Reyes

Open question


Get angle of point in circle with center (0, 0).
I have a circle with a centre at position (0, 0) and I have a point in the circle at (-5, 2). How can I get the angle of the point towards the centre?

Answer & Explanation

Tamia Campbell

Tamia Campbell

Beginner2022-08-17Added 14 answers

Step 1
The angle, let's call it θ, is in the second quadrant, so we have π 2 < θ < π, and from the given coordinates, we have tan θ = 2 5 .
Step 2
If you want to form a triangle for the law of cosines, you should choose your third point anywhere on the positive x-axis, because angles are measured from that reference direction.

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