Suppose your teacher gives you a glass plate, a nail, a copper penny, and a bar magnet Describe how you would use these items to determine the hardness and special property of the mineral magnetite.

Trystan Castaneda

Trystan Castaneda

Answered question


Suppose your teacher gives you a glass plate, a nail, a copper penny, and a bar magnet Describe how you would use these items to determine the hardness and special property of the mineral magnetite.

Answer & Explanation

Izabella Fisher

Izabella Fisher

Beginner2022-08-14Added 14 answers

The glass plate, nail, copper penny, and bar magnet are common objects with known levels of hardness. I would scratch each object against magnetite in order to determine which object was harder. The hardest object in the group would scratch all other objects, while the softest object would be scratched by all other objects. The remaining objects would fall somewhere in between, and their order would allow me to determine magnetite's range of hardness.

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