Briefly describe your understanding about the wave function of a quantum system. What is significance of its probability density? Why Compton Effect could not be explained classically?



Answered question


Briefly describe your understanding about the wave function of a quantum system. What is significance of its probability density? Why Compton Effect could not be explained classically?

Answer & Explanation

Marlie Frazier

Marlie Frazier

Beginner2022-08-12Added 14 answers

Wave Function
Wave function in quantum Mechanic is a state variable of the system which contains all the information about the system. Although the wave function it self have no physical significance but square of the wave function give probability density of finding the particle at a particular instant. So if we integrate it over a particular region then we will get the probability of finding the particle at that region.
As square of the wave function give probability density so it must satisfy some conditions like finite (probability can't be infinity ), single valued (probability of finding particle can't be two or more for a particular region), it must be continuous everywher,square imtegrable (as square integration give the probability )and integration of square of wave function over all space must be 1.
Compton Scattering
When a beam of monochromatic light scattered by a light element(like carbon ) it observed that the light have maximum intensity at two wavelength one is it's original wavelength and another is a wavelength greater than its original value.
In classical mechanic the maximum intensity of the light must ocuured at its original wavelength as light (wave) and matter can't interact with each other. But quantum mechanicaly we can explain the phenomenon as in quantum mechanics the free electron of the materials can't act as a wave and interact with the light wave.

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