Show how to use black and red chips to carry out the following operation 7-(-2)= and determine the answer.



Answered question


Show how to use black and red chips to carry out the following operation
7 ( 2 ) =
and determine the answer.

Answer & Explanation

Damarion Pierce

Damarion Pierce

Beginner2022-07-27Added 11 answers

Step 1
On magnifying the view, I could see that -2 is to be subtracted from 7.
So, we go as under :
+ ve quantity to be represented by black chip and - quantity by red chips.
So, 7 will be represented by 7 black chips and -2 by 2 red chips.
Now we have to subtract 2 red chips from 7 black chips.
Subtracting a red chip will mean adding a black chip.
Hence, we will add 2 black chips to 7 black chips.
On counting, there will be 9 black chips.
This means answer is 9.
So, 7 ( 2 ) = 9
Paxton Hoffman

Paxton Hoffman

Beginner2022-07-28Added 6 answers

Step 1
Red and black chips are often used to model addition and subtraction of integers. A red chip represents -1 and a black chip represents +1.
A red chip and a black chip "cancel" each other . So 2 red chip and a black chip "cancel" each other. And 5 black chips are left. So answer = + 5

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