How can separate samples of optical isomers be distinguished?

Cristofer Graves

Cristofer Graves

Answered question


How can separate samples of optical isomers be distinguished?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-07-17Added 14 answers

Given separate quantities of R and S enantiomers (and it is by no means trivial to obtain such samples!), one enantiomer will rotate plane-polarized light by some angle α . It enantiomer, its optical antipode, will rotate plane-polarized light in the opposite direction, i.e. by an angle - α .
Lanthanide shift reagents could be used to obtain the NMR spectra of the enantiomers (these would give a diastereomic spectrum because of the chiral shift reagent), though this is another specialized experiment.
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See this older answer for details on the separation of optical isomers.

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