The results of a significance test for the

Dylan Yoder

Dylan Yoder

Answered question


The results of a significance test for the difference of two proportions would be the same as a chi-squared test for independence for two variables with two levels.
Group of answer choices:
If one of the categorical variables has 3 or more levels then we can consider the difference of proportions and use the normal distribution to determine the p-value.
Group of answer choices:
If the results of the chi-squared test for independence turn out to be significant then we can guarantee the variables are dependent.
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Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-04-10Added 6 answers

The results of a significance test for the difference of two proportions would be the same as a chi-squared test for independence for two variables with two levels.
- True
If one of the categorical variables has 3 or more levels then we can consider the difference of proportions and use the normal distribution to determine the p-value.


Beginner2022-04-11Added 9 answers

If the results of the chi-squared test for independence turn out to be significant then we can guarantee the variables are dependent.
Last is true

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