Fill in the blank/s: A system of linear inequalities is used to represent restrictions, or ________ on a function that must be maximised or minim,ised. Use the graph of such a system of inequalities, the maximum and minimum values of the function occur at one or more of the _____________ points.

Isa Trevino

Isa Trevino

Answered question


Fill in the blank/s: A system of linear inequalities is used to represent restrictions, or ________ on a function that must be maximised or minim,ised. Use the graph of such a system of inequalities, the maximum and minimum values of the function occur at one or more of the _____________ points.

Answer & Explanation



Skilled2021-01-05Added 90 answers

1) The calculus helps in understanding the changes between values that are related by a function. It is used in different areas such as physics, biology and sociology and so on. The calculus is the language of engineers, scientists and economics.
2) Linear programming is a method for solving problems in which a particular quality that must be maximized or minimized is limited other factors. An objective function is an algebraic expression in two or more variables describing a quality that must be maximized.

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