Find the p -value (manually) of the following Hypothesis testing. H 0 </msub> :



Answered question


Find the p-value (manually) of the following
Hypothesis testing.
H 0 : μ 3 vs H 1 : μ > 3
The main thing I know is that
P ( R e j μ 3 ) = P ( X 3 μ 3 ) = e 1 0.36
Can I use the z value and use the formula probability of z?

Answer & Explanation

Gretchen Bond

Gretchen Bond

Beginner2022-06-02Added 3 answers

Your null hypothesis is that your exponential distribution has a rate μ which is 3. Your alternate hypothesis is that μ 3. Now, you get some observation, x. What is the probability that this sample is consistent with the null-hypothesis? Meaning, what is the probability that the null hypothesis would generate a sample x? Conditional on μ, this is simply e μ x . Since your null hypothesis is that μ 3, you integrate over it to get the p-value:
p = 0 3 e μ x d μ = 1 e 3 x x
Now, you can set a threshold on this p-value and reject the null hypothesis if it is lower than your threshold.

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