I am given three co-ordinate points of a circle O(Ox,Oy)

Trystan Stone

Trystan Stone

Answered question


I am given three co-ordinate points of a circle O(Ox,Oy) as a center. Then two Points other points as A(Ax,Ay) & B(Bx,By). Now I have to find the arc length of that circle. Can you please help. Thanks in advance.

Answer & Explanation

Rhett Pruitt

Rhett Pruitt

Beginner2022-06-03Added 5 answers

We know the radius of the circle is O A = ( A x O x ) 2 + ( A y O y ) 2 We can also find A B = ( A x B x ) 2 + ( A y B y ) 2 . Since we know OA, OB (which is simply OA) and AB, we can find A O B using the Cosine Rule. Once we have O A B, then the arc length ACB is equal to:
A O B 360 2 π O A
To obtain A O B, we know that by Cosine Rule:
c o s A O B = A B 2 O A 2 O B 2 2
Thus A O B = c o s 1 ( A B 2 O A 2 O B 2 2 )

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