With <mi mathvariant="bold">x and <mi mathvariant="bold">y two vectors, the triangle ine

William Santiago

William Santiago

Answered question


With x and y two vectors, the triangle inequality can be written as:
(A) | x | | y | | x + y | | x | + | y |
which can be broken down into a system of inequalities (labelled as (1) and (2)):
{ | x | | y | | x + y | | x + y | | x | + | y |
then, with the assumption of | y | > 0, (1)-(2) yields:
(B) | x | | x + y |
But is this in fact true? Is (B) a direct consequence of (A) when | y | > 0? or is (B) is invalid because (1)-(2) is not allowed as it is not obvious if the subtraction preserves the inequality?

Answer & Explanation

Braxton Gallagher

Braxton Gallagher

Beginner2022-05-18Added 21 answers

No, we cannot subtract inequalities in the following way:
a b c d a c b d
For example, take a = 3 , b = 4 , c = 1 , d = 3 to see that it's wrong. I think this is what you did to obtain what you have. So
| x | | x + y |
is wrong. A counterexample in R 2 : x = ( 1 , 0 ) , y = ( 1 , 0 )
Edith Mayer

Edith Mayer

Beginner2022-05-19Added 4 answers

(B) does not follow from (1)-(2). For a very simple counter-example, work in the 1-dimensional space of real numbers and take x=3, y=-2.

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