The particle is falling down, and x is measured in down direction. x &#x2033; </

Waylon Mcbride

Waylon Mcbride

Answered question


The particle is falling down, and x is measured in down direction.
x = g k v 4 v d v d x = g k v 4
Solving this I get
1 4 g k log ( k v 2 g k v 2 + g ) = x + c
It is falling from rest, i.e x=0,v=0, using this initial condition I get log ( 1 ) on the LHS. Is something wrong with the solution. I check that integral is correct.

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-04-13Added 14 answers

Hint: Your answer is wrong From v d v d x = g k v 4 we have
v   d v g k v 4 = d x
let substitution v 2 = g k w then
x = 1 2 k g d w 1 w 2 + C = 1 4 k g ln 1 + w 1 w + C
now let x=0, v=0 then C=0

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