Since we will be using various bases



Answered question


Since we will be using various bases and the coordinate systems they define, let's review how we translate between coordinate systems. a. Suppose that we have a basisB={v1,v2,,vm}forRm. Explain what we mean by the representation {x}g of a vector x in the coordinate system defined by B. b. If we are given the representation {x}B, how can we recover the vector x? c. If we are given the vector x, how can we find {x}B? d. Suppose that BE is a basis for R^2. If xB=[12] find the vector x. e. If x=[24] find xB

Answer & Explanation

Laith Petty

Laith Petty

Skilled2020-12-31Added 103 answers

a) Given B={v1,v2...vm} is a basis for Rm{x}B is the coordinate vector of x Corresponding to the basis B that is of x=c1v1+c2v2+c3v3+...+cmvm than {x}B=[c1c2cm] b) Let {x}B=[c1c2cm] then
x=c1v1+c2v2++cmvm,ciR c) Of x is given and B be a basis for Rm than x can be written as the linear combinations of vectors of B that is x=c1v1+c2v2+...+cmvm,ciR then {x}B=[c1c2cm] d) B={=[13],{x}B=[11]} is a basis for
R2 {x}B=[12]
x=[11] e) x=[24]=4[13]+c2[11]=[c1+c23c1+c2]

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