If a current of 8A passing through a circuit generates

Ashley Fritz

Ashley Fritz

Answered question


If a current of 8A passing through a circuit generates 14W of power, what is the resistance of the circuit?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-05-11Added 16 answers

I would combine two laws I have memorised here: Ohm's Law,
and the Power Law
I have a current, I, of 8 A (ampere) and a power, P, of 14W (watt). i have been asked for a resistance, R Ω (ohm).
So I want a formula that includes only those three things. If I want to get rid of the V in the Power Law, I can replace it with what Ohm's Law says is equal to V=IR.
P = ( I R ) I = I 2 R
I need to rearrange to make R the subject, so I divide both sides by I 2 and swap the sides:
R = P I 2 = 14 8 2 = 14 64 = 0.22 Ω (rounded to two decimal places).

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