Value of test statistic Chi square is 6.435 and critical



Answered question


Value of test statistic Chi square is 6.435 and critical value of Chi square from the table is 6.345; thus we will reject the null hypothesis (H0).
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Answer & Explanation

Sergio Kidd

Sergio Kidd

Beginner2022-04-20Added 14 answers

chi-square Test statistic = 6.435
chi-sqaure critical value = 6.345
If chi-square test statistic value is greater than the chi-square critical value then we reject the null hypothesis. If chi-square test statistic value is less than the chi-square critical value then we "fail to reject" the null hypothesis.
Here,chi-square test statistic=6.435 is greater then chi-square critical
value, hence we reject the null hypothesis (H0)so, the given statement is true
The correct option is "TRUE"

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