What are all the homomorphisms between the rings \mathbb{Z}_{18}\ \text{and}\ \mathbb{Z}_{15}?



Answered question


What are all the homomorphisms between the rings Z18 and Z15?
Any homomorphism ψ between the rings Z18 and Z15 is completely defined by ψ(1). So from
We get that ψ(1) is either 5 or 10. But how can I prove or disprove that these two are valid homomorphisms?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-04-17Added 10 answers

If one has a homomorphism of two rings R,S, and R has an identity, then the identity must be mapped to an idempotent element of S, because the equation x2=x is preserved under homomorphisms. Now 5 is not an idempotent element in 15, so the map generated by 15 is not a homomorphism.
However, 10 is an idempotent element of 15. In particular, the subring T15 generated by 10 has unit 10. Since it is annihilated by 3, and consequently by 18, there is a unital homomorphism 18T (i.e., mapping 1 to 10). So your second map is a legitimate homomorphism of rings (composing with the injection T15).
Basically, the point of this answer is to check that one of your maps preserves the relations of the two rings, while the other doesn't.

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