Statistics range rule of thumb confidence interval Suppose that



Answered question


Statistics range rule of thumb confidence interval
Suppose that the minimum and maximum ages for typical textbooks currently used in college courses are 0 and 8 years. Use the range rule of thumb to estimate the standard deviation.
Standard deviation = I have gotten max - min/4
Find the size of the sample required to estimage the mean age of textbooks currently used in college courses. Assume that you want 98% confidence that the sample mean is within 0.4 year of the population mean.
Required sample size =
I have no clue how to get the required sample size

Answer & Explanation

Mercedes Chang

Mercedes Chang

Beginner2022-04-02Added 15 answers

OK, now can apply Central Limit theorem if n is large enough. The thumb rule is n>30. We will see if it is the case. The width of the confidence interval is
α is the significance level. Here it is 10.98=0.02

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