Which of the following statements are true/false?Justify your answer. (i)

Trace Cline

Trace Cline

Answered question


Which of the following statements are true/false?Justify your answer.
(i) R2 has infinitely many non-zero, proper vector subspaces.
(ii) Every system of homogeneous linear equations has a non zero solution.

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-01-23Added 13 answers

(i) We can construct such a set of subspaces:
1) rR, let: Vr={(x,rx)R2xR}.
[Geometrically, Vr is the line through origin of R2, os slope r.]
2) We will check that these subspaces justify assertion (i).
3) Clearly: VrR2.
4) Check that: Vr is a proper subspace of R2..
Let: u,vVr,α,βR. Verify that: αu+βvVr
u,vVr,u=(x1,rx1),v=(x2,rx2); for some x1,x2R
=(x3,rx3)Vr; with x3=αx1+βx2
So: u,vVr,α,βRαu+βvVr.
Thus: Vr is a subspace of R2
To see that Vr is non-zero, note that:
(1,r)Vr and (1,r)(0,0).
To see that Vr is proper, note that (1,r+1)Vr:
(1,r+1)Vr (by construction of Vr) r1=r+1
r=r+1, plainly impossible.
Thus: Vr is a non-zero, proper subspace of



Beginner2022-01-24Added 13 answers

(i) True.
(ii) False.

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