Ea for a certain biological reaction is 50 kJ/mol, by what factor ( how many times) will the rate of this reaction increase when body temperature increases from 37 C (normal ) to 40 C (fewer)?

Elleanor Mckenzie

Elleanor Mckenzie

Answered question


Ea for a certain biological reaction is 50 kJ/mol, by what factor ( how many times) will the rate of this reaction increase when body temperature increases from 37 C (normal ) to 40 C (fewer)?

Answer & Explanation

Ayesha Gomez

Ayesha Gomez

Skilled2021-03-27Added 104 answers

Arrhenius equation: k=Aexp(-Ea/RT)
where k is rate constant, A is pre-exponential factor, Ea is activation energy, R is molar gas constant and T is temperature in K.
Ea=50 Kjmol=50000 Jmol
T1=37deg C=310 K
T2=40 deg C=313 K
Since rate is proportional to rate constant
Thus the rate increases by a factor of 1.2 times

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