Two sinusoidal waves, each of wavelength 5 m and amplitude 10cm, travel in opposite directions on a 20-m stretched string whichis clamped at each end. Excluding the nodes at the ends of thestring, how many nodes appear in the resulting standing wave?



Answered question


Two sinusoidal waves, each of wavelength 5 m and amplitude 10cm, travel in opposite directions on a 20-m stretched string whichis clamped at each end. Excluding the nodes at the ends of thestring, how many nodes appear in the resulting standing wave?

Answer & Explanation



Skilled2020-10-22Added 97 answers

The answer is 7 nodes excluding the one at the end:
It works as follows.
It isn't the best draw, but if you start at both sides a sinus movement... with a wavelength of 5meter, you get 4 waves from left to right, and four from right to left.
As you see in the picture, when the waveform the left is high, the wave from the wave from the left is low at that place, so you get a lot of nodes.
I hope you understand it!
Good luck mate.

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