The figure shows the surface created when the cylinder y^2+Z^2=1 intersects the cylinder x^2+Z^2=1. Find the area of this surface.The figure is something like:FSP02510400011.jpgFSZ



Answered question


The figure shows the surface created when the cylinder y2+Z2=1 intersects the cylinder x2+Z2=1. Find the area of this surface.
The figure is below:

Answer & Explanation



Skilled2020-12-17Added 97 answers

Note that the given cylinder will intersect at four congruent surfaces. e. equal in area. We need to find the area of only one side and then multiply it by 4.
First, we find the area of the face of the surface that intersect the positive y axis. The surface is located above the area. x2+z2=1 then z=f(x,z)=1z2 
=111z21+z211z2 dx  dz  
=40101z211z2 dx  dz  
=limt1+40t01z211z2 dx  dz  
=limt1+40t1 dt  
Consequently, the sum of the areas of the intersecting surface is 4×4=16

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