A plane is flying 2400 kms from source A to destination B. Speed of the plane is 600 km/hr and speed of the wind tailing it is 40 km/hr. How many hours after take off would it be faster to go to B than to return to A in case of an emergency? A)1.65 hours; B)1.5 hours; C)1.75 hours; D)2 hours; E)None of these

John Noble

John Noble

Answered question


A plane is flying 2400 kms from source A to destination B. Speed of the plane is 600 km/hr and speed of the wind tailing it is 40 km/hr. How many hours after take off would it be faster to go to B than to return to A in case of an emergency?
A)1.65 hours;
B)1.5 hours;
C)1.75 hours;
D)2 hours;
E)None of these

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2023-01-22Added 11 answers

The ideal choice is C 2 hours
From A to B speed of flight = 640 km/hr , while for the reverse it is = 560 km/hr.
Since 'x' represents the separation from A, the answer to the question is:
x 560 ( 2400 x ) 640 x 1120   k m.
minimum such distance = 1120 km and time taken to cover 1120   k m = 1120 560 = 2   h r.
True answer (d).

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